Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday Nov 5

Election day in the states. I trained instead of freaking out at the television all day. I used the 50 lb bell for both sets of this, but used to 30 bl bell for the snatches. I just can't get past that block yet.
she's heavy, yo.

30 OH swings R
30 OH swings left
30 alternating cleans
30 TH swings
30 secs Mountain Climbers

30 snatch LH
30 sec figure 8’s
30 snatch RH
30 sec figure 8’s
30 TH swings

It took me about a half hour to get this done. 

At the end of it, couldn't help but make the observation that there was a significant difference between the 30 and the 50 pound bells. Not that it wasn't obvious, it just had never occoured to me.

 But at the end of this workout, I was smacked upside the dead with that.

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