Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday and Tuesday Nov 20

Monday was a wash - too much stuff coming out of my nose with a slight fever and a lot of sore muscles just said "Take today off". Why risk pulling something when you are sick. No thanks, been there, done that.

I did some stretching and soaked in a bath to get the knots out.

Tuesday, I entered my garage gym, only to recall that my wife's vehicle was in there. It made for a squishy workout, but I got it done. Four rounds of this, using a 40 lb kettlebell:

20 two handed kb swings
10 kb cleans each side
20 feet up push ups
10 hanging knee tucks

I banged the crap out of my knees on the car - I'm pretty sure there will be bruises later. Now ... on to Tuesday and work!

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