Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Feb 13

Right; tomorrow is the day of chocolate. Today is not.

I did this this morning for four rounds

20 right hand KB swings
20 left hand KB swings
20 Alternating KB swings
20 two handed swings
30 seconds mountain climbers
20 seated knee tucks
20 KB snatches

The first round was with the 12 kilo bell, the other three were with the 40 lb bell. I was pretty sweaty by the end. I got through the rest of the day with avoiding people as much as possible. I did get some work done that was really rather important to me, and got the regular stuff done, too. Of course, I know I have to register for the Nationals in the next little while, but I just need to get to it.

I ate this:

Breakfast: smoothie; frozen berries and milk, blended.

After training meal: eggs and steak. Water and coffee to drink

Lunch: handful of almonds, water

Snack: more almonds. I was avoiding people, walked in then walked right out.

Dinner: white rice, peas and fried sole. Water to drink. I did not prepare this meal. Just need that out there.

After dinner, I got my wife to work a little on a Rhomboid muscle, jsut to see if I could get her to make it relax. No such luck.

I got another mat session in tonight, getting on a mat about 8:30 and leaving it about 10pm. I got home and had a few glasses of water and some Metamuscil. I'm getting rid of the stuff in my gut, if only to reduce what it is I'm carrying around with me. That and the ibuprofin is messing up my digestion and I need things to clear out ... knowwhatImsayin'?

Right, feel good, can hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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